Legal Cost Specialists

Legal Costs

Jackson Costs Review – Part 5 – Small Claims Limit

Lord Justice Jackson’s Preliminary Report on Civil Litigation Costs revisits the thorny issue of whether the small claims track limit for personal injury claims should be raised from £1,000 to £5,000 (or somewhere in between). APIL, not surprisingly, expressed concern to Jackson LJ if this was introduced: “APIL’s membership survey suggests that almost 70% of

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Jackson Costs Review – Part 4 – Legal Expense Insurance and Success Fees

Lord Justice Jackson’s Preliminary Report on Civil Litigation Costs reaches a “tentative conclusion” that: “It seems to me to be in the public interest to promote a substantial extension of BTE insurance, especially insurance in the category BTE1 [Before-the-Event legal expense insurance where insurers pay solicitors to act for the insured when a claim arises].

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Multi track pilot

Lord Justice Jackson’s Preliminary Report on Civil Litigation Costs gives details of the meeting he had with the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and the views that they expressed. This included: “APIL and FOIL have agreed a new code for handling high value personal injury cases. It applies to claims above £250,000. The code

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Jackson Costs Review – Part 3 – Cost Shifting

Lord Justice Jackson’s Preliminary Report on Civil Litigation Costs seriously considers whether the current two-way costs shifting rules should continue. He writes: “The first possible modification would be to introduce one-way cost shifting. One-way cost shifting means that when the defendant loses, he pays the claimant’s costs; when the claimant loses, each side bears its

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