Legal Cost Specialists

Legal Costs

Part 47.18

I am still recovering from a run of detailed assessment hearings in the Senior Courts Costs Office. (Yes, I do sometimes do some real work.) A number of these cases have gone part heard but these were the outcomes in the other claims: 1. Bill of costs in first case reduced from £87,279 to £47,461.

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Focus on quality

The Chair of the LSB’s consumer panel has called for an increased focus on quality in the provision in legal services. Dianne Hayter said that a lack of checking of the quality of work, and “light touch” requirements for lawyers to show continuing competence, suggested that regulators as well as consumers were making “heroic assumptions”

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Costs Management in Civil Litigation Conference

On 23rd November 2010 Thirty Nine Essex Street Chambers, Ellis Grant and Feesability are hosting a conference on Costs Management in Civil Litigation (see download). Speakers include Lord Justice Jackson. Unlike some commentators, I’m not convinced that costs management is going to be the saviour of the legal costs profession. However, it is likely to

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