Legal Cost Specialists

Legal Costs

Evil conspiracy

There has been a certain amount of twaddle written in the Comments section of this blog recently implying that the new J-Codes based bill of costs format is a conspiracy of the few (ie those with a financial interest in costs drafting/costs budgeting software) at the expense of the many (ie by introducing automated bills

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Faster trial pilot

Costs budgeting was, in theory, meant to operate akin to summary assessment at the outset of a claim. The serious flaws with the implementation process and numerous practical problems, with which readers will be more than familiar, has made costs budgeting an expensive mess with little of the hoped for benefits being delivered. A new

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New Precedent Q

CPR 47.6 is amended from 1 October 2015 such that the documents to be served when commencing detailed assessment will now include: “if a costs management order has been made, a breakdown of the costs claimed for each phase of the proceedings” (The new Model Precedent Q can be found on this link showing the

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Oooo la la!

Readers are probably aware of the male solicitor who, in response to an invitation to connect via LinkedIn to a female barrister, commented on the “stunning picture” on her profile. In turn she publically named and shamed him for his “unacceptable and misogynistic behaviour”. Her LinkedIn profile has since been updated to include the following:

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Costs management

From the Association of Costs Lawyers’ Judicial Round Table on costs management earlier this year: Neil Rose: Has the SCCO seen any cases come through yet? SCJ Gordon-Saker: Not one, as far as I am aware…we are still in the dark as to what will happen. Neil Rose: Any ideas? SCJ Gordon-Saker: I anticipate lots

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