Legal Cost Specialists

Legal Costs

100% of damages

There was much fuss when the new portal fees were being proposed. Karl Tonks, previous president of APIL, said: “Lawyers cannot reasonably be expected to run cases at a loss. But if the proposed fees are implemented, the only alternative will be to turn claimants away or take legal fees from a claimant’s damages, which

100% of damages Read More »

Guideline hourly rates for costs lawyers and law costs draftsmen

The Civil Justice Council’s Costs Committee is currently undertaking a review into Guideline Hourly Rates. As part of that process they are considering whether to introduce a further category of fee earner for costs lawyers and costs clerks (their term not mine). If this is done, will costs lawyers be placed in a higher category

Guideline hourly rates for costs lawyers and law costs draftsmen Read More »

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